Snug Sofa

Snug was first to market in the UK with the sofa-in-a-box concept, offering high levels of comfort from a deconstructed sofa with fast and free delivery, and easily assembled in minutes


Over 13,000

Contributed Sofa Sales

Over £13,900,000

Purchase Revenue Generated


To help to launch the first Sofa in-a-Box brand to market in the UK and support the growing Snug team to assert themselves in the competitive sofa/home furniture market.


The aim of our campaign was to help Snug tp understand their market from an advertising perspective, bring the new concept to consumers, and generate consistent growth in sales.


Over a two-year period, we created, designed, and delivered a paid social strategy that helped grow to a level of national recognition. Developing a consistent and scalable system to turn individuals in to loyal customers.

 We’d love to work with you.

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